Box Canyon
April 16, 2022
Course Setter:
Jeff Brucker (Alan Craig as Vetter)
Meet Director:
Cristina Luis

Photo Credit:
Max Suter
We welcomed a small but enthusiastic crop of orienteers at one of our most-loved venues, Box Canyon in the foothills of the Santa Rita mountains. In addition to the folks listed in the results, course setter Jeff Brucker led a group of hikers from the Southern Arizona Hiking Club on a map walk.
Big thanks to Jeff Brucker for course setting, Alan Craig for vetting, bag hanging, registration help, map walk leading, and control retrieval (!), Melissa Trout for registrar work, Peg Davis for starts and greeting people with a smile, Sue Wenberg for various tasks, including control retrieval, and Joan D'Alonzo, Mark Youngbluth, Jaxon Rickel for more control retrieval.
No photos yet.
........ Wayne Cottrell ........ LAOC ... 13:00
........ Mateo Pimienta ........ .... ... 16:49
........ Takumi Tsuruoka ....... .... ... 16:49
........ Isaac Pimienta ........ .... ... 26:34
........ Wayne Cottrell ........ LAOC ... 36:00
........ Scott Parker .......... TSN .... 50:11
........ Cason Pope ............ TSN .... 1:15:27
........ Valerie Saenz-Pope .... TSN .... 1:15:55
........ Joseph Cox ............ TSN .... 1:17:53
Explorer James Pope ............ TSN .... 50:36 .... 3
Explorer Josh Newhouse ......... TSN .... 50:41 .... 3
........ Gregg Townsend ........ TSN .... 1:12:18
........ Juliana Rickel ........ TSN .... 1:17:39
........ Billie Lubis .......... TSN .... 1:18:46
........ Mateo Pimienta ........ .... ... 1:21:44
........ Takumi Tsuruoka ....... .... ... 1:21:50
........ Isaac Pimienta ........ .... ... 1:21:55
........ Team Jen Kevin ........ .... ... 1:22:16
........ Morgan Phillips ....... TSN .... 1:22:35
........ Perfectly Splendid .... .... ... 1:39:08
........ Joan D'Alonzo ......... TSN .... 2:23:44
........ Mark Newhouse ......... TSN .... 2:30:45
........ Daniel Newhouse ....... TSN .... 2:31:29
........ Dylan Litzenberger .... .... ... 2:31:33
........ Cristina Luis ......... TSN .... 1:08:43
Explorer Claudia Rickel ........ TSN .... 2:58:12 .... 10
Explorer Sue Wenberg ........... TSN .... 2:54:01 .... 10
Explorer Wayne Cottrell ........ LAOC ... 2:14:01 .... 4
........ Jaxon Rickel .......... TSN .... 53:46:00
........ Kimball Forrest ....... TSN .... 1:15:44
........ Amelia Holmes ......... TSN .... 2:26:30
........ Mark Yungbluth ........ TSN .... 3:04:41