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Join the Tucson Orienteering Club!


Member benefits include:


  • Discounted member rate at most events

  • Bring a qualified friend for free to local events

  • Access to members-only events

  • Email notification of scheduled and special events

  • Voting privileges

  • Discussion forum


Annual membership fees are $12 for individuals and $18 for a family, household, or group.  All memberships are valid through December 31.  If you have any questions about joining, please ask us.


To join or renew now, click the Join Now button below. You will be taken to a form at the Orienteering USA website where you can join our Tucson club and make your payment by PayPal online (which supports credit card payments), mail in your check, or be allowed to pay later at an event. See our list of members.





If you wish to mail in your membership application, click the Print Form button below, print out our online membership form, fill it out, and mail it in with your check payment to the address provided on the form.





We have a subscriber list for receiving announcements about upcoming events and other timely club news.  If you become a member, you will be automatically added to this list.  If you are not ready to become a member yet, you may still subscribe anyway - just click on the button below.

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